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Ma'ayan Greenbaum
There’s really only one path conflict follows…
In your opinion, what are the biggest annoyances or triggers in your intimate relationship? What's something that your partner does that...

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
When big feelings get the best of you in your relationship
When you're triggered, do you sometimes experience emotional 'meltdowns' despite your best efforts to hold it together? Meltdowns can be...

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
If only things were like when we first met…
Do you ever catch yourself thinking this? “I want things to be like when we first met.” Most people remember being vulnerable early-on in...

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Long time no see...
A warm hello! I can’t believe it’s been so many moons since I've written! So much has unfolded in my orbit over the past 3 years and it's...

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Ever find yourself nagging your partner and spoiling a perfectly good moment?
If you’re human, I know there are times when it’s really hard to tame the impulse to criticize, control or nag your partner.

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Ever feel like the passion in your marriage is slipping away, even though nothing’s wrong?
Do you ever have the sinking feeling that even though “nothing is wrong” your marriage could feel so much more exciting and satisfying?

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Why “Good Communication” isn’t enough without THIS
The problem is, what they communicate in words only represents a tiny fraction of their underlying hidden expectations and hopes.

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Does Parenthood Spell Less Connection in Your Marriage?
It’s no secret that keeping your marriage vibrant while you’re parenting together can get tricky, but it’s ESSENTIAL.

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Is the Demand/Withdraw pattern eroding the love you desire?
Is it frustrating and hurtful to you when you’re disappointed, yet your partner seems unfazed?

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
My 3 Keys for Falling in Love with Your Partner Again
The tragic truth is that many couples miss the daily opportunities to deepen their appreciation and love for each other as time goes by.

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Is THIS what's causing distance between you and your partner?
The same qualities we adore and idealize in our partners at first become the most frustrating to deal with because they represent...

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Feeling burdened or drained by responsibility in your relationship?
Can you relate to pleading with your partner to help you in some way that would truly mean the world to you?

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Ever Doubt Whether You & Your Partner Are Truly Meant For Each Other?
What most people want is actually pretty simple. They want their partner to be there for them, to enjoy and look forward to being WITH them.

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
The reason you’re afraid to bring things up with your partner
Up to 75% of my clients have experienced some form of anxiety about speaking up when they’re upset in their marriages.

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Why letting things “blow-over” in your marriage might blow-up
Have you ever stopped yourself from telling your partner you’re upset about something because you didn’t want to rock the boat?

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
How to slow down toxic reactivity next time you get triggered in your relationship
4 simple yet powerful things you can do to feel seen and heard so you can talk with your partner from a place of faith and connection

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Does it make your blood boil when your partner does THIS?
Ever get triggered when your partner sits down on the couch to scroll their Facebook or Instagram feed?

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
This single decision can save you hours of silence & suffering in your relationship
The beauty of relationships is that like a daily practice – we need not be perfect. It's enough if we remember that it’s ok to make mistakes

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Is your marriage stuck in “replay mode”?
Becoming conscious of your early relationship patterning and honoring its origins is the first step towards understanding why your reactions

Ma'ayan Greenbaum
Every argument with your partner contains a secret wish for growth
For most children “good enough” parenting, enough of the time is all that’s needed for healthy development. At the same time, since...
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